The Times They Are A Changing.
As we move into Samhain,the last of the year's harvests and experience Mars retrograde, this is a time to choose our battles wisely and cherish what is of value to us.

Lynne Evans is a Psychic medium card reader, reiki practitioner, astrology enthusiast and meditation teacher.
Lynne offers private readings in person or online and divination work using pendulums.
You can contact Lynne directly
Lynne runs spiritual community group on Facebook, Seraphina divination and reiki. Just ask to join if you're interested in spirituality.
Weekly Forecast
W/C 31 October Using Dark Goddess Oracle Deck by Lynne Christine Evans.

Chang'e is the archetypal "fixer" of Chinese origin.Her obsession with immortality caused her to consume an excess of a special pill. Letting her emotions rule her,she got stuck halfway between heaven and earth and became "Goddess of the Moon",with only rabbits for company and contemplating all she has left behind. Focus on a goal can help us achieve results yet when this becomes an obsession,things can go wrong. It is important to let other people make their own decisions and even mistakes,especially children. If we always do everything for another person, it can prevent them from fulfilling their own potential. For children,this can be disempowering and stop them taking responsibility for their own actions. With partners, let them be their own person,so as to avoid resentment and future isolation. Life is full of opportunities, so look beyond that one thing on your mind. Have a go at new ventures,give it your best shot, but be equally prepared to let it go if it doesn't work out... including people. Move forward with no attachment to outcome. Ask yourself... Is a particular person worth all your investment right now? Stop just worrying and act. Don't make money your master as some things can't be bought.

Persephone is the archetypal "victim" of Greek origin. She was carried off to the underworld,without struggle and appears willing to fulfil her function without question. Unlike most Goddesses,she is of a very subservient nature. Time for a change of attitude if you are feeling the victim of circumstances. If you are stuck in a rut, it's time to dig yourself out of a self initiated purgatory. We were not put on this earthly plane to suffer but naturally helpful people can sometimes be taken advantage of. Trauma and emotional upheaval causes damage and it's time to rewrite your own script so that distress and negativity is not given further power. It can be challenging to detach from past hurts... accept emotional support as you start to see the best in everything. It could be that someone close to you needs your emotional support. With Mars in retrograde, it could be time to comply with the rules. For my fellow Aries placements, that's a hard ask

Baba yaga is the archetypal "thief" of Slavic origin. A supernatural goddess who dwelled in the forest known for being crafty. When asked for advice, she chose who to help or hinder. You may feel like soneone is trying to steal your thunder because they are taking away a moment you have earned. Some people try to win praise for themselves by imitating others but this is a hollow victory. Baba yaga knows how loss feels and recognises that some people steal the limelight in order to be noticed. I'm getting scorpionic vibes here. In the end Karma will deal with those who take more than they need and don't appreciate what they already have. Give praise where it is due and don't be afraid to walk away who do not have honorable intentions. Cherish who you are. Some of you may have felt ensnared in the equivalent of a dark forest but you are being led out of this temporary entrapment. Nature is a great healer and Autumn a wonderful time to connect with the trees. Samhain is a time to connect with our ancestors and acknowledge the loss but also the joy and enrichment they brought to our lives. If you have lost sight of who you are,remember to keep the faith. It may be that something is being hidden from you... open your eyes so you can move on and fulfil your true potential

Perfect for the final harvest of the year... Oya is the archetypal "reaper" of African origin. She symbolised the first and last breath of life. She has a strong connection to rivers and her presence indicated by fierce winds... I sense swirling leaves and swift currents. Perhaps connected with loss, Oya was the compassionate guardian of the unborn... delivering them safely to the spirit world. So after the week's events and emotions,this is like a Tower moment in Tarot. Things reach a climax. If any of you have felt unsettled,this marks the end of something major in your life which is unavoidable. We often fear loss but I don't believe in coincidence and change happens for a reason. It may have felt chaotic for a time but you are being supported at this time. Deliverance comes as a gift when there is the end of a cycle... just as the seasons have their roles in our year. Space is being made for new growth to manifest. This indicates a new much needed stimulus to move forward in your life. Oya is a force of nature and you should go with the flow instead of resisting change, which we can all find a little frightening. Accepting change now because what is meant for you will not pass you by. What awaits you will make it all worthwhile. For some of you, this could mean a house move or change of job. Remember that the Death card in Tarot just means endings. Just like the Hindu goddess, Kali... she burns the fields to make them fertile for the next harvest. It could signal the end of an unhealthy relationship or even new birth. Embrace the change and don't be afraid to ask for help. Better times are on the way.